* Weather update: Sat. Jan. 11 - We are open today!
Offering specialized & multi-level practices to support your optimal whole-being well-being.
Our goal is to help you Shine!
Please note: you will have additional functionality on a desktop computer — as opposed to the MindBody app. or our mobile website.
Join Us for Virtual Classes Offered Both
Live-Streaming and On-Demand
Full details about how to sign-up for live-streaming is listed below. Once you know how to sign-up, you can just jump right on through to our MindBody schedule and click the "Sign-Up" button next to the class you want to take. The link to allow you into the live stream will arrive in your email account 30 minutes before class. Click the big red "Sign Up" button at the top of this screen to enter the MB portal.
Keep scrolling down for info to help you Live Stream a class. If you prefer to practice on your own schedule, you can click here for on-demand info.
MindBody offers these instructions for LiveStream. We're going to try to simplify it for you here. If you need more detailed info or trouble-shooting, click here: https://support.mindbodyonline.com/s/article/Joining-a-live-stream?language=en_US
Live Stream Checklist
(remember to scroll down or click the link above if you need more detailed info.
You will stream Shine's classes through MindBody. MindBody currently works best with Google Chrome on a desktop computer.
When prompted, you can also live stream classes with Mindbody Live — a program that improves the live stream experience on a desktop or laptop.
If you don't have time to download MindBody Live, you can bypass the app when prompted and just stream through Google Chrome.
Sign up for your Virtual Live Stream class with the big red "Sign Up" button at the top of our web pages. Make sure you have the filter set for "All" classes or "Virtual/Live-Stream."
You'll need to know or create your Shine's MindBody username or password to sign up for class and then to sign in and take class later.
After you sign up for a Live Stream, the system will then send you an email link to use to sign in and take class. The email should arrive 30 minutes before your class time.
*Follow the prompts to enter your username and password, to set up your mic and camera choices, and then to connect to your teacher and take your online class.
Alternative Method To Live Stream
When your email link doesn't arrive.
Sign up for LiveStream class as described above.
Sign in to mindbodyonline.com/explore/
Use your MindBody username and password.
Follow the prompts on your screen to enter a live stream class that you have previously registered for.
Please email us at info@shineyoga.com for troubleshooting.
A Little More Detailed Version
Here's How To Join Us....
Currently you can access our live-streaming with MindBody, which is our studio management software. If you've been taking classes at Shine, you already have an account. If you are just joining us, it's easy to create your account. To access Live-Streaming you'll want to be sure that you have your current email address for your account and that you know your password. Once registered for a live-stream class you'll need to access the link that will be sent to your email address 30 minutes before class. BE SURE TO CHECK YOUR JUNKMAIL for the link as many people's links from Shine / MindBody are ending up there.
Step by Step directions to join us for livestream.
I know it's a lot! Many people are getting on with ease in signing up at our MindBody Portal accessed by the "Sign Up" button on the top of our web pages. But.... some people are having some difficulties so I'm trying to cover it all here step by step.
Make sure that you can sign in to your MindBody account or create a new account which can be merged later. You'll want to have the email you use to register for class and your Shine MindBody password handy when you sign-in for your live stream. Click here to go to Shine's MindBody portal. (You can always access Shine's MindBody portal by clicking the red "Sign Up" button on our website pages.)
From Shine's MindBody portal, go to the "Classes" tab and click the "Sign-Up" link next to the classes you want to take from the class schedule page.
Payment for virtual classes - We need to use separate passes and pricing for our virtual and in-person classes. Email us with any old class pass concerns!
Once you "sign up" for a virtual class you are registered and the system will send you an email link from "MindBody" 30 minutes before the class. Be on the look out for the email as it may end up in your junk mail.
As long as you are registered and don't receive, or can't find the email link, you can also find the link in your schedule on mindbodyonline.com/explore 30 minutes before class begins. You will need to log-in.
(You may need to update your password to gain access to this site.) On the mind body.io site, you can view your "schedule" from the drop-down menu on the top right and access the class from there. -
The Live Streaming system works better on some systems and not at all on others. Click this link for more info about having success on the Live Streaming portal. I've also included an image at the bottom that gives a quick overview of what browsers and systems work best together. Currently the live-streaming system only works on Google Chrome and for iOS devices ( iPhones and iPads ), Safari. (Don't know what your browser is? I have a note for you about that at the bottom.)
If you need help with anything, please email us. We want to support you and know that tech can be quite intimidating.
About "the browser."
Your browser is the application you use to navigate the web. Many of us take our browser for granted but certainly for our current live-streaming capacity, all browsers are not equal. MindBody recommends strongly using their MindBody Live App or Chrome for computers, Chrome for Android devices, and Safari on iOS devices ( but not on desktops and laptops ).
If you surf the web with a browser that is not compatible with Live Streaming, you can download Google Chrome with your current browser and then when you get on MindBody live streaming using Google Chrome on your desktop to Live Stream. Click here for Google Chrome if you are having trouble with your current browser.
Mindbody will ask you if you would like to download their app, which you can decide at your own desscrtion.
If your screen looks black, you can try hitting refresh.
​When you enter a live-stream class, you can check in with your teacher. Many of us are still taking requests and questions at the start of the class! It's your choice to allow your practice to be visible to us here at the studio or you can choose to turn your camera off and practice along with your teacher and fellow students. Students are muted during class so we can keep the background noise to a minimum but teachers will check on you throughout class if your camera is turned on.